Online Snowboard Fit Course

Get ready for riding at home with Snowboard Workouts

  • Prepare for the Mountain

    If you’re looking to maintain or build up your body for the snowboard season, the right mix of mobility, body awareness, strength, and endurance training will get you ready.

  • Make Better Progress

    If you train in the right ways outside of snowboarding, your body will be prepared to adapt and thrive when you're strapped in. You will be able to stay safe and improve technique easily and quickly.

  • Prevent Injury + Recover Fast

    Having a strong, mobile body with plenty of endurance means that you will tolerate snowboarding sessions more easily, resulting in faster recovery and more time on the mountain!

Whats in the Online Snowboard Fit course?

Everything you need to get ready for the snowboard season.

  • 45+ Videos

    Snowboard Fit is laid out in a structured format, supplying you with all the ideas to create your own warm-ups and workouts. These videos are designed to be easy to follow and provide the number of sets and reps required.

  • Movement Tutorials & Workouts

    Each exercise tutorial tells you why it is useful to snowboarding and shows you how to do it. There is at least 3 key technique points as well as ways to make it easier/harder.

  • Get Creative

    As you get comfortable with training and body awareness, you can begin to branch out. We arm you with the tools to create your own workouts and warm-ups.

Why Get Snowboard Fit?

Feel great and have more fun on your snowboard!

+ The exercises have been carefully selected to have tremendous carryover to the sport of snowboarding. + Increase and improve body awareness, control, mobility, joint health, strength, power, endurance, and overall resilience. + This is a minimal approach to training that is likely to have a massive positive impact on your snowboarding. + The snowboard workouts are easy-to-follow, bodyweight focused and requires minimal equipment.
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Be A Complete Snowboarder

Flexibility, Strength and Stamina Training for Snowboarding

+ Snowboard Fit has 5 modules: Mobility, Balance and Coordination, Strength and Power, Endurance, and Workouts. + The first four represent components of physical fitness we want to develop for snowboarding. Inside each module you will find movements that will be used in the workouts, as well as tutorials for them. + The snowboard workout module is where you will find example workouts that will prepare you for snowboarding and make you a much better rider. + We are training movements, not just muscles.
Learn to snowboard online, online snowboard lessons, snowboard fit, snowboard workouts

Unlock Your True Snowboard Potential

Gain the body confidence and control to master the mountain

  • Prevent Injury | Everything in the body is connected, and as snowboarders we demand a lot from on our muscles, joints and ligaments. Getting fit keeps the connections strong, treating and preventing injury, improving functionality and longevity – keeping you riding for years to come.

  • Accelerate Recovery | We need energy to keep snowboarding! Improving stamina will help you recover quicker between runs. It also means you won’t get left behind due to leg burn and you will have to stop for rest lest.

  • Longevity | Over time and with age, the body can stiffen and become weaker. If we actively work to stay fit and healthy with a variety of training techniques, we can enjoy the mountain and ride well into our old age.

  • Improve Posture | Gaining more mobility and building strength will help to correct poor posture. The ability to maintain good posture is key to staying balanced, and progressing on your snowboard.

  • Progress Faster | A strong and mobile body is crucial to success on a snowboard. It allows you to be more dynamic and handle the forces of snowboarding. You will be able to implement new techniques and kick bad habits.

  • Be Confident | Training outside of snowboarding will help you develop a functional body for sport. This gives you confidence to be able to try new things and explore the mountain on your snowboard.

Who We Are

We are a team of snowboard and fitness enthusiasts that are constantly evolving to meet the needs of our members. Our goal is to provide you with the tools needed to implement change and experience real and powerful results on your snowboard.

"I spent multiple seasons coaching and certifying instructors in British Columbia, where I fell in love with the science of snowboarding. I've taught 1000s of lessons to all ability levels from beginners to experts and I want to help take your snowboarding to the next level! You're going to love practising the online snowboard lessons and seeing the results in your riding. Have the best experience on the slopes by gaining the confidence and control to dominate the whole mountain."

Fraser Johnston

Founder & Head Trainer

Who We Are

We are a team of snowboard and fitness enthusiasts that are constantly evolving to meet the needs of our members. Our goal is to provide you with the tools needed to implement change and experience real and powerful results on your snowboard.

Tyler has been a personal trainer for eight years and spent time recently practicing as a strength coach and kinesiologist. He founded Trained by Curiosity to teach people principles and tactics for tapping into their own superhuman potential. He focuses on simple training tools and methods that build a powerful foundation for all the awesome things his students aspire to do. Tyler received his Bachelor’s degree in Human Kinetics with a focus in clinical exercise physiology from the University of British Columbia Okanagan.

Tyler Sellers

Founder at Trained By Curiosity

Train 1-on-1 Online with Tyler

Hit your goals with a custom program and your own private coach

Snowboard Fit Curriculum

Designed for Snowboarders by Snowboarders

  1. 01
    • Intro from Fraser & Tyler

    • Why Snowboard Fit?

    • Whats in this course?

    • What do you need for this course?

    • Before we begin...

  2. 02
    • Mobility Overview

    • Neck Motions

    • Shoulder Motions with Band

    • FR Upper back + Pillar Rotations

    • 90/90 Rockovers

    • Hip Flexor Pulses

    • Facedown Shoulder Hovers

    • Table Bridges

    • Quadruped Hip Motions

    • Ankle Knee-Toe Drives

    • Lunge-Reach-Sit Backs

  3. 03
    • Balance + Coordination Overview

    • Deadbugs

    • Bearcrawl

    • Birddog

    • Toe Heel Walk

    • Mini Band Lateral Walk

    • Single Leg Star Balance Drill

    • Single Leg Deadlift

    • 45 Degree Jump & Stick

    • Jump Spins 90-360

    • Deep Squat Shifts

  4. 04
    • Strength + Power Overview

    • Pushup

    • Kettlebell Row

    • Kettlebell Deadlift

    • Kettlebell Goblet Squat

    • Shoulder Bridge with Band Resist and Mini-band

    • Reverse Lunge

    • Plank

    • Side Plank

    • Pallof Press

    • Band chop

  5. 05
    • Endurance Overview

    • Plank Walkout

    • Low Lateral Shuffle

    • Mountain Climber

    • Line Hops / Skipping

    • Burpee

    • Touch-down Jack

    • Walking Lunge

    • Technical Stand-up

    • Kettlebell Suitcase / Rack Carry

    • Kettlebell Swing

  6. 06
    • Workouts Overview

    • Workout Video (Novice)

    • Workout Video (Advanced)

    • Example Workout 1 (Novice)

    • Example Workout 2 (Novice)

    • Example Workout 3 (Novice)

    • Example Workout 4 (Advanced)

    • Example Workout 5 (Advanced)

    • Example Workout 6 (Advanced)

  7. 07
    • Geting creative...

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...

Get Started Today

Snowboard Fit can help unlock your full potential by increasing range of motion, boosting strength, accelerating recovery and preventing injury.

The Ultimate Course To Get You Snowboard Fit

Build strength, stamina and mobility to reach your snowboard potential